The Ultimate Diet Plan to Boost Your Immune System

Boost Your Immune System

The internet is full of advice about Boost Your Immune System. Several businesses are vying to sell you expensive products full of exotic ingredients that claim to empower your immune system to fight every possible disease. However, while experts say that no such medicines can increase the power of your body’s immune system, you can follow healthy habits to enable your immune system to function to the best of its abilities.

This article will discuss the benefits of looking after the body’s immune system and which nutrients you should include in your diet. Let us take a look –

Benefits of Boost Your Immune System

  1. Protection – The basic function of your immune system is to protect your body from unfriendly external influences. Whether you must endure free radicals in the environment, seasonal changes, or going to crowded places, your immune system defends your body against harmful microbes and substances. A strong immune system offers better protection.
  2. Quicker Healing – The immune system is also responsible for healing. When you cut, scrape, or burn your skin, the immune system works to help your skin heal. A weaker immune system takes longer to repair the damage, while a stronger one heals quicker.
  3. Less Fatigue – Those with a weaker immune system get tired easily and may not have enough stamina to take up physically challenging activities such as sports. However, a strong immune system ensures better stamina and strength in your body.
  4. Clearer Skin – As mentioned above, the health and maintenance of your skin depends on the immune system. The skin is the first line of defense in your immune system, protecting your body from external factors. A stronger immune system protects your skin against bacteria and acne, thus ensuring better skin health.
  5. Healthier Hair and Nails – Like your skin, your hair and nails depend on your immune system for good health. Well-functioning immune systems ensure less hair fall, stronger nails, and better appearance.

Nutrients Essential for Immunity

  1. Zinc – Zinc is an essential mineral for the smooth functioning of our immune system. It acts as an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties that promote quicker healing. Zinc is found in animal products like lean meat, seafood, poultry, and legumes.
  2. Vitamin A – There are two kinds of Vitamin A known as Vit A Retinol and Vit A Carotenoids. Your immune system needs a healthy dose of these vitamins to strengthen and function normally. Vitamin A is present in eggs, dairy products, carrots, yams, spinach and bell peppers.
  3. Vitamin C – Vitamin C is essential for healing wounds, fighting common colds, and absorbing iron in the body. Consuming iron-rich foods is good for the immune system, but it is recommended to do so with Vitamin C. Sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, kale, strawberries, and brussel sprouts.
  4. Vitamin E – Vitamin E is vital in strengthening the immune system. It is responsible for healthier hair, nails, and skin. Its antioxidant properties support the growth of immune cells, which are necessary for the body. Vitamin E is found in fatty plant foods like avocados, peanuts, and sunflower oil.
  5. Iron – Iron is present in food as heme iron and non-heme iron. Our body can easily absorb heme iron. Iron is essential for transporting oxygen to the cells all over the body. You can find heme iron in foods like spinach, poultry, and oysters.

Incorporating Variety to Create a Balanced Daily Diet

As discussed above, a healthy immune system needs various nutrients. You can create a balanced diet to boost your immune system by incorporating variety in your daily meals. It will add a delightful variety of tastes to all your meals while ensuring you get all the nutrition you need to strengthen your boost immune system.

Consider food items rich in a wide range of nutrients to add to your diet. A good example is the Indian flatbread or roti. Roti is made of healthy flour such as whole grain flour rich in minerals, fiber and healthy carbohydrates. You can use different grain flours to make many types of roti or stuff it with vegetables or lentils to make a wholesome meal.

Try recipes from different cuisines worldwide and build a wholesome menu to choose from. It will ensure that you consume various fruits, vegetables, and proteins to eat a balanced diet.

Healthy Immune system Diet Plan

Here is an example of a diet plan that can help you strengthen your Boost  immune system and keep good health. However, you must consider your age, food allergies, and other medical conditions before adopting a diet plan.

  • Early morning: 1 glass water + 1 tsp wheatgrass powder + 5ml fresh ginger juice + 10 soaked almonds + 1/2 anaar
  • Breakfast: 2 moong dal cheela + 50g paneer + mint chutney
  • Mid-morning: 1 glass coconut water + 1 tsp soaked sabja seeds
  • Lunch: 1 bowl dal/chana/rajma + 1 bowl sabzi + 2 roti, made up of 1/3 wheat, 1/3 rajgira and 1/3 sattu
  • 4 pm: 1 katori steamed beetroot + 1/2 naar + 1 tsp pumpkin seeds
  • 6 pm: 1 cup ginger tulsi masala chai + 1 katori sprouts/chana + 1 tbsp-soaked peanuts
  • Dinner: 1 bowl dal and rajgira khichri + 1 tbsp flaxseed chutney
  • 1 hour before bed: 5 soaked almonds


Life can be stressful, busy, and even overwhelming at times. However, if you eat a balanced diet and exercise daily, you can significantly improve your quality of life. Make conscious food choices to maintain good health and consume all the nutrition your body needs.


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