6 Orthodontic Treatment Issues You Can Easily Fix at Home

Orthodontic Treatment Issues

When you or your child requires orthodontic treatment, it is a long but essential journey. At times, managing the dentist appointments, handling the braces, and the general discomfort due to braces can get challenging.

A comfortable and smooth orthodontic treatment experience depends on knowing how to handle orthodontic emergencies and when to contact your dentist. Here are some things you should know, things you can do at home, and when to leave it to your dentist to fix it. With the help of wax, tweezers, and nail clippers, many problems that arise during orthodontic treatment can be fixed at home.

Common Orthodontic Treatment Issues That You Can Resolve at Home

Often, orthodontic problems occur at home. Do not panic if such a situation arises. Give your orthodontist a call and inform them as soon as possible. They can suggest the necessary action you need to take or if you need to visit them. Not all problems are urgent ones. You might be able to fix some issues at home. Here are a few orthodontic treatment issues that you can fix at home:

If the Brackets or Bands get Loose:

Sometimes, when kids bite into hard food like an apple or something sticky, the brace bracket can become loose. Kids realize that the bracket is loose when they brush and notice that the bracket is not in the center of the tooth. Before you fix the loose bracket on braces at home, ensure your child does not touch the loose bracket or band, as that will only escalate the problem.

It is easy to fix a loose bracket at home using orthodontic wax or tweezers. You can slide the bracket into its proper place using a tweezer and then gently push the bracket against the tooth.

If a Wire is Poking off the Bracket:

If a wire is poking, it can affect the soft tissue inside the mouth and become painful and uncomfortable for your child. There are various ways to get rid of braces pain and you can try a few quick fixes for this issue as given below:

  • Use a small nail clipper to trim the extra wire.
  • Use orthodontic wax if the wire is not very long and trimming is difficult. Place the wax between the wire and the cheek.
  • Try to gently push the wire back by using a clean pencil eraser.

If Your Child has Mouth Sores:

Mouth sores are very common during orthodontic treatments, so do not worry about them. The good thing is they are easy to deal with. The first thing to do is to keep the mouth sore clean. Clean it at least twice a day with mild soap and warm water.

You can use any over-the-counter topical anesthetic gel or painkillers to treat the sores. Another thing you can try is a saltwater rinse. Just mix a teaspoon of salt and warm water and ask your child to rinse their mouth with it.

If there is Irritation in the Mouth:

If your kid experiences discomfort or irritation in their mouth, you can try using orthodontic wax for tooth pain. The wax will act like a barrier between the metal braces and the mouth. Just apply a small pea-sized ball of wax on the affected area.

If the Elastic Ties Become Loose or Are Missing:

If your kid eats any sticky food, such as caramel sauce or toffee, during their orthodontic treatment, chances are that the small elastic ties that hold the archwire in place become loose or fall off completely from their brackets. In such situations, you can use tweezers to put the elastic ties back in place.

If Your Kid Loses O-Rings:

O-rings are important for holding the braces together and are made of soft and flexible material. If your child eats any hard food, the O-ring can break or become loose. When it comes out, your kid can feel other wires poking in their mouth. You can reattach the O-ring with a clean pair of tweezers.

When To See Your Orthodontist

While many of the home remedies discussed above are effective, you may require expert guidance and help frequently during your child’s orthodontic treatment. It’s important to speak to your orthodontist if your kid has any ongoing pain, a broken appliance, or any other serious problem. Many such issues need to be treated by dentists.

Regular check-ups and prompt interventions can help maintain the course of your kid’s treatment and guarantee the most comfortable orthodontic experience possible.

Your child’s orthodontic journey can go more smoothly if you take care of minor problems at home. However, remember that the best person to help your kid maintain good dental health is your orthodontist.


Some minor or common orthodontic treatment issues can be treated at home easily. It is always better to visit your orthodontist for more serious or prolonged discomfort. Dental health and oral hygiene are important parts of your child’s development, and you must pay attention to them. After all, their smile is worth it all.


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