Features And Benefits Of Employee Tracking Software

Employee Tracking Software

Businesses of all sizes are beginning to take advantage of employee tracking software, as it enables employers to boost efficiency and productivity, as well as meet regulatory and policy requirements. With the aid of the software, employers are able to assess employee performance, detect areas for improvement, and monitor activities for efficient reporting and liability.

About Employee Tracking Software

Employee Tracking Software (ETS) facilitates the real-time tracking and monitoring of employee performance. All information concerning hours worked, tasks finished, intervals taken, assignments done, and other associated activities can be collected and stored safely in the system, allowing it to be accessed from anyplace.

ETS is particularly valuable to employers overseeing distant teams, for instance, those located in contact centres or running online operations. With the use of tracking software, managers are able to assess employee productivity remotely via KPIs and other performance criteria.

Generally, this software comprises timesheets, programs for keeping tabs on absenteeism, effectiveness, leave history, and payroll. Additionally, the software helps in the administration of payroll procedures, the tracking of worker attendance, and the investigation of staff costs, thus simplifying the payroll planning process and making it possible to comply with legal obligations. Features and Cost of Employee Tracking Software are many and in this blog we are going to explore these in detail.

The various capabilities of employee tracking software range, but usually contain 10 basic features of Employee Tracking Software. We will take a closer look at these ten elements that aid employers in tracking their employee activities in a more exact and efficient manner.

  1. User Registration: This feature facilitates businesses to enrol new users in their system with their personnel information.
  2. Timesheet Tracking: With this capability, the labour hours, overtime, nonattendance, and vacations of employees are readily followed.
  3. Vacation Tracking: Employers can ascertain the number of days and holidays that each employee has taken off, helping them ensure that all leave is within their leave regulations.
  4. Task Management: Companies can allocate assignments to personnel, prioritise tasks, fix timeframes, and observe the progress of every job in a single, convenient interface.
  5. Project Tracking: Through this feature, managers can observe the state of each task and all related operations.
  6. Employee Productivity: Organisations can measure the productivity of each employee and discover avenues for growth.
  7. Scheduling and Planning: This capability enables companies to arrange their team’s shifts, allocate tasks, and devise thorough strategies.
  8. Team Management: Companies can monitor the tasks and responsibilities of their personnel and any changes implemented in the squad.
  9. Messaging System: This feature provides companies with an effective mode of conversing with their staff, be it via chat, emails, or SMS.
  10. Compliance and Auditing: Organisations can stay updated on market standards and legal regulations and ensure that their workforce complies with all relevant criteria.

Benefits of Employee Tracking Software

The need to measure performance, minimise losses and manage personnel are ever-present issues, especially when the labour force consists of remote, mobile or overseas workers. Employee tracking software offers an effective way to help businesses gain visibility and control, resulting in tangible benefits for organisations and their staff.

  • Automates administrative processes – Businesses must accurately monitor time, attendance and work performance of employees. Tracking software provides an automated way of collecting and managing information, reducing the need for manual administration.
  • Increases visibility – Remote workers can sometimes be a challenge to monitor and manage, but tracking software offers employers the opportunity to gain real-time visibility into their workforce and know exactly who is doing what and where.
  • Improves compliance – Employee tracking software ensures accurate compliance with company policies, regulations, and rules such as pay scales, leave, and other pertinent aspects of labour laws.
  • Increases accountability – As employee tracking software records every task and action taken, staff can be held accountable for their productivity and performance, encouraging a more disciplined approach.
  • Enhances communication – Organisations benefit from an integrated messaging system, enabling team members to easily stay connected no matter their geographical locations.
  • Enhances decision-making – Access to accurate, real-time data gives employers the advantage of knowing their business’s performance metrics and equips them with the knowledge they need to make sound decisions quickly.
  • Enhances morale – Tracking software eliminates inaccuracies associated with manual processes, providing staff with a fair and accurate performance evaluation, and inspiring motivation to strive to perform better.


In today’s highly competitive and demanding business landscape, having the right technology to ensure efficiency, compliance and effectiveness is a must. Employee tracking software can be the ultimate ally for businesses to maximise productivity, control costs and drive bottom line performance. Therefore, you should hire software developers in India to have secure, scalable and affordable employee tracking software. As the benefits outlined above demonstrate, this software is the perfect choice for any organisation that wants to stay competitive and successful.


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