There are many different styles of fashion handbags available to you in today’s fashion market. Handbags are women’s favorite friends and most women own more than one bag in their closet. Although even every little girl already knows what a handbag is and what it is used for, not everybody is familiar with the terminology used in the designers’ world. Do you know what a clutch or hobo bag looks like? Can you name the different styles of the leather handbags you use every day? Keep on reading to get acquainted with the different styles of bags available to you.
You’ll find there are too many bag styles for you to remember and to distinguish each other, such as the tote, hobo bag, satchel, shoulder bag, clutch, backpack, messenger, school bag, safari, pouch, muff, duffel, drawstring, carpet bag, camera bag, bucket bag, baguette, and field bag and so on. However, only several of those styles are the top fashion today, which include:
Tote Bags
The tote bags are usually a large bag made of treated canvas, nylon or leather, characterized by the open top with two handles or straps attached. They are very popular for beach or casual wear. It is a very functional bag since it carries more items than other smaller handbags. The tote bags are available in numerous designs and colors nowadays, which makes these bags more attractive. And the classic leather style also can be used for business purposes or everyday use.
Hobo Bags
Hobo bags are large or medium-sized shoulder bags shaped like a crescent moon with slouchy posture. They usually have a large comfortable strap with which you can carry the hobo bags on the shoulder. Generally, they are made of soft material such as suede. The hobo bags are various in sizes and patterns to fit different occasions. The smaller hobo bags with small straps can be used at events and parties; while the larger bags can be used for daily purposes.
Satchels are distinguished by their large size and small handles, and usually in structured shape. They usually handheld, but some also have large adjustable straps with which you can carry the bags on the shoulder or across the body. Satchel handbags are usually made of leather or cloth. Namshi UAE has a big collection of Satchels bags to choose your best one and apply Namshi Promo code to save up to 40% on your satchels bags. They can be used for various occasions such as work, shopping, or even certain parties. They have been in fashion since the 17th century and they are still in fashion now.
Shoulder Bags
The shoulder bag is a generic term for any bag that is carried over one’s shoulder. They come in a variety of styles include the totes, hobo bags, satchels, and even clutches. The shoulder bags are usually large and have several compartments to carry your daily stuff. The different materials, designs, patterns, and colors are available in the market, which makes the shoulder bag fashionable.
Clutch is a small, long rectangular bag that comes without handles. It is carried under the arm or in the hand. Clutch is the most commonly used evening bag style and is designed to carry just your essentials for the night out, such as keys, credit cards, money, cell-phone, and cosmetics. Clutch is a must-have for every woman planning to take part in parties and it comes in a variety of elegant designs to highlight your evening outfit.
A backpack is also known as knapsack, rucksack, packsack or climbing bags. They have two straps that can go over the shoulders so that they can be carried on the back. Backpacks are usually made of cloth, nylon, or leather. They are originally popular among students, but now they are worn by every generation due to its lovely colors and novel designs. They provide freedom to our hands so that it is very convenient to carry backpack esp. when we are attending activities such as climbing mountains.
Messenger Bags
The messenger bag or crossbody bag is featured by rectangular shape and a large flap with a long strap that is usually worn on one shoulder or across the body. The bag hangs down the opposite hip or on the back. They were originally designed for messenger boys to carry large documents. They are now made from various materials and come in different styles. They are popular for both men and women of all age groups, especially for students.
Now you know the top fashion handbag styles and know what they look like. Do you have the same bag styles? It’s no need to have every style in hand, but every bagista should own at least one or two of these top fashion styles, esp. when these styles meet trendy patterns. Now it’s time to get your hands on one or more crocodile handbags, ostrich handbags, or quilted handbags, in these top fashion styles. Shein UAE has a collection of all types of bags just go there online and select your best one to get Extra discount just use a Shein UAE Coupon from UAEPayingless and save up to 60%.
Tags: Fashion tipsHandbagsTypes of Handbags