How Can Marketing Help your Business?


When you open a company, it is often thought that having a website with a good design is the key for selling. And the truth is that, although this affects if people don’t know your website, then, how are they going to visit it? Therefore, when you start a business it is important to establish a marketing plan with adapted strategies.

The problem is that many people don’t know what Marketing is exactly and they get confused by making preconceptions about it. Maybe because of a lack of knowledge or biases. Because of that, we have decided to make a list of 3 aspects of Marketing to help people understand this field a little more and better.


Many times, it is assumed that Marketing is the use of social networks to promote your business. But it is not so simple. The issue is that it is necessary to observe the statistics or data coming from the activity of the company and its future projection in order to can establish an appropriate strategy. This will help to see what factors are most important to improve. For example, if you are putting all your efforts into promoting your company through Social Media but you don’t receive too many visits, maybe you should know that you are helping to raise awareness about your brand, but you aren’t generating traffic to your website. To achieve visits, it might be necessary to investigate other strategies as well, such as Email Marketing, content strategy, SEO, Adwords, etc.


In Marketing, we consider who are your potential customers to suggest the best platforms or digital tools to connect with them. Because of this, you have to be clear about age, gender, country, preferences, customs, etc. You must know them very well in order to adapt to their needs and offer them services or products in which they may be interested. The best option is to create a complete profile about your buyer persona and concentrate on it. That will help you have a clearer vision of your target audience


Being visual and having a logo that differentiates you from your competitors will help create a better image of your brand and get credibility. But the use of Marketing, through advertisements, infographics, or even the creation of an interesting packaging, will make your business more visual and it will attract customers interested in your products or services. Because of this, it is not so easy as placing images or making a beautiful design, you should express what your company does, what its values are, and what makes it special or different.

As you can observe, Marketing is not only promoted through social networks but also consider your audience and the best strategies for you, according to the data and your business model. In addition, Marketing will suggest to you how to be more visual and attract the attention of potential customers using different techniques. Therefore, this is an indispensable factor to grow your brand.

But, your business can be promoted by yourself. Don’t hesitate to attend events related to your work area. Meet new people and expand your network of contacts, this can lead to new opportunities and interesting projects. Continue attending courses or conferences to learn from those who already have more experience than you.

And by the end, if you can contract, for example, a PPC agency, it could be highly useful to promote your company and generate more sales and money. But the most important thing is that you continue being guided by your intuition. The one that has gotten you to be in the place you are now. Trust yourself and pursue those goals or aspirations you have in mind. You can do it!

This article has been written by Lorena Garcia-Rodriguez. Lorena is a digital copywriter passionate about marketing and the online universe, currently working for a digital agency on a project for San Sebastian Apartments, a holiday accommodation & Airbnb apartment rental service. Lorena spends her time writing about the topics she loves, travelling as much as she can and reading books.


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