How Did Human Appear On Earth?


For many centuries, people have been trying to find an answer to the question of how humans appeared on earth.  The science of the origin and formation of humanity is called anthropology.

The first assumptions were made by archaeologists and paleontologists without good reason, without material finds. Modern anthropologists have at their disposal a whole arsenal of the most precise instruments and chemical methods that allow them to more accurately date the creation of homo sapiens.

The Origin of Life on the Planet–

Life is a form of existence of protein bodies. The entire globe is the source of life. The variety of its forms and models is based on the exchange process of complex macro-bodies. These natural compounds provide the origin of living organisms on earth. The simplest chemical elements are carbon and oxygen. By biosynthesis, they form self-reproductive protein compounds.

They are resistant to:

  • Ultra-high and low-temperature fluctuations;
  • Hazardous environmental conditions;
  • Natural geological changes.

The fossil record testifies to the undoubted complication of organisms and an increase in their diversity as they approach Homo sapiens.

Presumably, the first life could arise in the seas from the smallest unicellular organisms that can reproduce by simple division.

Who appears next:

  • Worms and other animals with organs for feeding, moving, and reproducing;
  • Fish with a bone skeleton;
  • Amphibians with limbs;
  • Reptiles, the first vertebrates to breed outside the water.

Some of the reptiles became the ancestors of birds, others – mammals, warm-blooded vertebrates with hair and teeth. Most of the representatives of the second subclass gave birth to live cubs and fed them with milk.

The Appearance of the First Human–

About 4 million years ago, hominids, who walked on two legs, evolved from humanoid primates.

Walking upright facilitated the coordination of hand and eye movements and the development of the brain. This is how the human tribe Hominini began to emerge.

Its oldest representative was the genus Australopithecus. According to many scientists, it is from this species that Homo habilis originated.  The shape of the pelvic bones allowed them to walk on two legs and give birth to children. Skillful prehumans existed about 2-1.5 million years ago.

1.6 million years ago, a new species with an even larger brain, Homo erectus (Erectus), emerged from the skillful. Highly developed intelligence and the ability to make more advanced tools of labor helped the tradesmen to colonize new habitats.

About 400 thousand years ago, some individuals began to form features typical of Homo sapiens (intelligent). A more advanced subspecies of modern humans is called Homo sapiens.

Place of Origin–

Homo-skillful individuals lived in South and East Africa and, perhaps, in Southeast Asia. The found artifacts of material culture provided an opportunity for scientists to draw the correct conclusions. Perhaps some individuals tried to hunt small animals.

The stones and bones found in the Olduvai Gorge of Tanzania confirm the version that our ancestors gathered in small tribes at the sites where they:

  • Processed the catch;
  • Made devices and tools for labor;
  • Were cooking;
  • Built shelters.

From Whom–

Modern science has irrefutably proved that by their origin, the ancestors of humans.

Creationists adhere to their concept that God was created:

  • The whole world;
  • Our planet;
  • Human race.

They are trying to prove the reliability of the biblical picture of the world and refute the doctrine of evolution.


Humanity in the process of life has always been interested in the issue of its genealogy. Countless myths and tales that have survived to this day attempt to find out how and where the ancestors of man could have originated.

Scientists, philosophers, and ministers of the church for many centuries put forward their doctrines of the origin of the human race on Earth.

List of basic concepts:

  • Scientific;
  • Religious;
  • Philosophical.

Supporters of each of them are constantly debating, trying to prove their case and refute other statements.

Stages of Evolution According to Darwin’s Theory–

British scientist and traveler Charles Darwin put forward the most incredible. He is simultaneously a plausible version of the creation of modern humans – by natural selection from the ape.

According to him, the evolutionary process consists of three factors:

  • There will always be more offspring born than survivors;
  • A living organism is hereditarily changeable;
  • Each population has characteristics that determine the degree of reproduction and survival.

All evidence is presented in The Origin of Species by Natural Selection or Conservation of Favored Breeds in the Struggle for Life. The desire to survive and preserve offspring stimulated humanoid ancestors to adapt to the environment.

Why Can’t You Find Out For Sure–

Some researchers argue that the origin of man began with Ramapithecus 20 million years ago, others – from Egyptopithecus 30 million years ago, and this dispute will continue forever because it is difficult to say something definite.

Anthropology is a complex science, but sometimes it also cannot unambiguously evaluate newly emerging facts and hypotheses. The world is changeable and complex, every day brings new finds and material evidence, after studying which you have to re-examine old concepts.


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