What Are The Common Indications for A Kidney Transplant?

Total Cost of Kidney Transplant in India


Organ Transplants are not easy and may associate considerable risk along with it. Also, the price of transplant is too high, which might not be affordable for all.

Now, if you are suffering from end-stage renal disorders, the doctors first try all possible non-surgical ways to treat your disease before proceeding for a Kidney Transplant.

If you are already on a stage where the only cure is Kidney Transplantation, consider checking the Total Cost of Kidney Transplant in India. It is because the country is known for delivering the most successful transplant procedures, at the minimum possible cost. 

Well, before that, you must be aware of the conditions that call for a kidney transplant.

Conditions Reflecting the Need of a Kidney Transplant

A patient to be eligible for a Kidney Transplant must fulfil the below-mentioned criteria.

  • Firstly, the person must have an irreversible kidney disorder that is being treated through other methods but did not reflect any improvement.

  • If you have reached the medical condition where your doctor recommends dialysis for the cure.

  • If you are already undergoing dialysis, it is better to go for a permanent cure, that is the transplant. Dialysis is a temporary solution that might make your situation more stressful.

  • Now, apart from the above mentioned medical conditions, your medical reports must declare you fit to undergo the severe surgical process.

  • You must be ready to give up on your alcoholic and smoking habits. Along with that, you will have to accept all the disciplined life instructions given by the doctor.

  • A patient must understand the requirements and risks that associate with the treatment. In spite of all the possible efforts of the surgeon, there might be some minor complications after the surgery.

  • The patient must be dedicated to devoting his time after the transplant procedure for effective recovery. Any ignorance may lead to severe consequences, and sometimes even lead to the failure of the organ transplant.

  • Last, but the essential requirement for the kidney transplant in India is, that you must have a healthy related donor. Also, he should be convinced to donate his organ.

  • The donor must be physically fit to undergo surgery.

  • Also, for a kidney transplant process, the kidney of the donor and the receiver must be a perfect match. Apart from blood group, the size of the organ is also tested. The size of the kidney for the donor and the receiver must be identical.

If all the above criteria are fulfilled, you can undergo the kidney transplant. There can be some other diagnosis procedures performed by the surgeon to check the possibility and success of treatment; it is essential to avoid the side-effects after the surgery. Ignorance can introduce complications for both the donor and the receiver.


If your medical condition calls for Kidney Transplant, do not delay. It may further degrade your health. If the cost of treatment in your country is not within your reach, plan your medical tourism to India. The Total Cost of Kidney Transplant in India is only 13,000 dollars. By undergoing the transplant procedure here, you can save both your money and life. 


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