Beard Transplant – What to know before you begin!

Beard Transplant What to know before you begin!

Masculinity and ruggedness are always closely intertwined. The degree of ruggedness is defined by distinctive facial features, body hairs, and sculpted muscles. That too, a beard plays a vital role in transforming a man’s outlook. Some are naturally blessed with sharp-edged, dense, and neatly groomed beards. While others may not share the same fortune. Their beard hair may not grow beyond a certain (small ) inch or pop out at all. Either way, scanty beard growth has the power to shatter one’s inner confidence.

In fact, stats reveal that about 77% of men associate their confidence level with their beards. Yet, only 66% of men have beards, while the rest (44%) find themselves devoid of bountiful facial mane.

Nevertheless, this will no longer be a concern. Thankfully, there is a ‘Beard Transplant’ which helps men regain not only their beards but also their self-esteem.

What Is Behind The Patchiness

Various scenes behind the scenes are responsible for the scanty beard growth. Let’s see.

Genetics: The most prominent is genetics. Just like our color, character, and height, you inherit the factors responsible for the growth of the beard from your parents. If your dad or grandpa has scarce beard growth, you possess a higher chance of lacking beard growth.

Hormonal Imbalance: Next to genetics, comes the hormonal imbalance. Male characteristics are dominated mainly by two hormones – Testosterone, and DHT. “Scant beard development is caused when you run low on these two hormones, say ThreeBestRated® Cosmetic surgeons.

Injuries and Burns: For some individuals, burn injuries and scars can be a reason to develop patchiness in their face. Burn injury will kill the hair follicles in the affected area. Without live hair follicles, you won’t have any hair to grow.

Alopecia Areata: It is an auto-immune condition in which your own immune system will destroy your hair follicles, mistaking them for foreign bodies. The impact is not just limited to the beard but to the whole body. Meaning, you will have tremendous hair loss.

Poor Lifestyle: Not to mention, poor lifestyle is one of the causes. To maintain healthy hair (whether on the face or head) you need to consume nutrition-rich foods, neglecting alcohol, smoke, and other harmful stuff.

How Does It Work?

For the transplant procedure, the surgeons extract grafts from the donor area – mostly from behind the scalp, as the hair in this area is resistant enough to hair loss. When the scalp hair is insufficient, the graft will be extracted from the chest, back, arms, and legs. Depending on the extent of the area to be transplanted, around 1,500 to 2,500 grafts will be needed and extracted.

After the extractions, the surgeons will divide the targeted area into two parts – front (mustache and goatee), and lateral (cheek, jaw, and sideburns). Based on the desired results, and specific target area, the treatment plan will be tailored. It could be completed in 3-4 hours and no more than One Session Is Needed.

After the treatment, the transplanted hair will fall out in 2-3 weeks. But don’t worry, the transplanted area will start to look natural within a week. And, the donor area will also return to its original look in 15 days. You can expect hair to grow in 2-3 months, with the fullest growth in one year.

Must-Know Pre-Treatment Care: 

Before your treatment commences, you are recommended to follow these things:

  • It is important to avoid alcohol, medicines including anti-inflammatory drugs and multivitamins, and smoke at least three days prior to the treatment. Because these substances increase the risks of bleeding and sensitivity during the treatment.
  • Make sure that you are not exposed more to the sun both pre and post-treatment.

Must-Know Post-Treatment Care: 

  • Primarily you should take the proper medicines suggested by your surgeons after the treatment for the prescribed timeline.
  • To aid the recovery process in the donor area, try to sleep on the side or at 45 degrees.
  • Avoid shaving your beard for the initial 10 days following the treatment.
  • To reduce the swelling, pain, and bleeding, cold compression is recommended after the treatment. However, you should not touch your face with bare hands during the recovery period to prevent potential infections.
  • Exposure to sunlight, taking blood thinners, smoking, tobacco, and swimming should be avoided for a few initial weeks.

Perks Of Beard Transplant: 

Similar to a hair transplant, a beard transplant also has many perks in it. The first and foremost reason is that the solution is permanent. Meaning, the hair is permanent, no matter whether you choose to have a full beard or a scruffy look. Also, the transplanted hair will replicate the original beard hair. The final result will also look damn natural. So you can have the look you want which makes you attractive and improves your appearance. And, what is there to explain once you achieve that attractiveness in you? Doesn’t it naturally boost your self-confidence?

As beard and strength are closet associated and looked at as symbols of masculinity, beard transplant restores the sense of manliness. What’s more, it is less painful and requires a short recovery time.


Wait. you haven’t seen the flip side of the coin. It is true that this treatment is expensive. Considering the benefits and the permanent solution it offers, the price here is justified. Individuals with less hair on the back of the scalp might have to lose hair from other parts of the body, which may not be a matter for some but could be somewhat uncomfortable for others. Anyhow, a beard transplant can be a game-changer for many men out there. But be sure to consult a renowned and certified surgeon to achieve the best results.


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