How Many Teeth are Numbered on a Teeth Numbering Chart?

teeth numbering chart

Teeth numbering chart can help you understand your dentist’s jargon when discussing teeth problems, as well as ensure you know which tooth to brush when your dentist gives instructions. How many teeth are numbered on this dental chart? Find out here!

The Names of Teeth

It is possible that your dentist was using an older dental terminology system. For example, if he or she said 11th left molar instead of just saying left maxillary molar #11, it means that he or she was using a more outdated system. It is also possible that your dentist neglected to mention whether they were referring to premolars (molars located before your 2nd molars) or molars (molars located after your 2nd molars). All in all, no matter which system was used, there should still be 34 total teeth. If you want confirmation, ask your dentist to clarify how they label their charts and which labeling system they use. This will allow you to figure out what number any given tooth is for yourself. In short, there are 3rd molars, 4th premolars, and 6 incisors; 20 in total when adding them together with numbers 1-10 included twice each. This results in 32 adult teeth including wisdom teeth – with 4 missing deciduous (baby) teeth!

Front Teeth Numbers

Your front teeth, from left to right, are labeled: 7, 8, 9. The numbers represent their position in relation to other front teeth—from tooth #1 (upper-left) to tooth #10 (lower-right). Your upper and lower front incisors also have names: In your upper mouth, they’re called central incisors. In your lower mouth, they’re called lateral incisors. They’re marked 1 for their position relative to other nearby central or lateral incisors. The first pair of molars are often called wisdom teeth, but that’s not technically correct. Wisdom is defined as the quality of being wise; knowledge about what is true or good. These molars aren’t wisdom because you don’t need them to eat properly. And you’re not wise because you have them! So it’s best to call these last four molars by their proper name: third molars. And each third molar has its own number label: 1 through 4. You can see these on our teeth numbering chart above and below!

Back Teeth Numbers

Most of us know that there are 32 permanent teeth in our mouth, but did you know that four of those 32 belong to a special set of molars known as back molars or wisdom teeth. Each jaw typically has two wisdom teeth that grow at an angle to accommodate their position behind our primary premolars. Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that wisdom teeth provide additional space for your other teeth and can be quite harmful if they don’t fully emerge from your gums. Most people never get impacted wisdom teeth since our jaws weren’t designed with room for four extra molars, so dentists usually remove them before they become an issue.

Understanding Tooth Numbers

A teeth numbering chart is used to number different teeth. In general, a front set of upper and lower teeth will each have their own number; these numbers may be followed by an additional letter, which refers to which quadrant that tooth is in. For example, your right maxillary second molar might be labeled #18 or 26. The number refers to its position in the upper jaw (maxilla) as well as which tooth it is: #1 being furthest back on your top row of eight incisors, for example. The letter at the end refers to that particular quadrant: L being on your left side and R being on your right side.

Your second molars are located behind your first molars, so they get a 2 instead of a 1. Your third molars are located behind your second molars, so they get a 3 instead of a 2. It’s not uncommon for some people to need more than one number. If you’re missing teeth from any area—either because you lost them due to decay or injury—you’ll want to replace them with dental implants or dentures. Missing teeth can cause damage to other teeth as well as lead to serious oral health problems if left untreated. Dentures can also interfere with speech and negatively impact eating habits if they don’t fit properly.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When wisdom teeth become impacted, it’s not uncommon for them to be extracted to make room for any other teeth that need to come in. However, there are some instances where impacted wisdom teeth can be left alone. For example, if they cause no problems and appear healthy, they may remain in place—although they’ll likely require regular cleanings and dental checkups. Those with an impacted wisdom tooth may also choose to have oral surgery to remove it so that there is room for other healthy molars when these grow in later. This will usually involve placing a small implant into your jawbone to ensure that you don’t lose bone mass over time. In some cases, impacted wisdom teeth might impact adjacent or nearby teeth as well. In addition to pain and discomfort, there could be damage done to your gums or even your jawbone as well. If you think you might have an impacted wisdom tooth or two, it’s important to see your dentist right away so he or she can take x-rays of your mouth and determine whether extraction is necessary.


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