7 Time-Saving Tips That Every Small Business Should Use

small business

Running a small business is a lot of work. There are always deadlines to meet, phone calls to return, and emails to answer. Clients expect quick turnaround times, so finding ways to work efficiently is crucial. Before you know it, another workday has passed, and you’re still behind. Therefore, time management and productivity are critical for small business owners. 

Here are a few tips if you’re looking for ways to save time at work and increase productivity.

1. Limit Your Meetings

You’re not working on other tasks if you’re in a meeting. If a meeting is necessary, keep it short and to the point. If a meeting isn’t required, don’t have one. See if you can quickly handle the issue via email or a phone call. 

Another way to limit meetings is to schedule them back-to-back. This way, you won’t have to take time out of your day to travel to and from different meetings. You can knock out all of your meetings in one go and then get back to work. 

If you have to attend, make sure you’re prepared ahead of time. Come up with a list of questions or topics you want to discuss. If you’re organizing, send out an agenda ahead of time. This way, everyone will know what to expect and can come prepared. 

And you don’t always need to have a physical meeting. Conference calls or video chats can be just as effective and save you time traveling.

2. Batch Tasks

Do you find yourself stopping what you’re doing every few minutes to answer a new email or return a phone call? This can be disruptive and make it difficult to focus. Instead of dealing with these interruptions as they come, batch them together. 

Set aside a few minutes to check and respond to emails. Block off some time to return phone calls. You can minimize distractions and get more done by batching these tasks together. 

Limit your social media use to specific times as well. Checking Facebook or Twitter every few minutes can quickly eat into your day. 

When combining tasks, allow for some overlap. If you have several tasks, start with the ones that will take the longest. This way, you can make sure everything gets done without feeling rushed.

3. Get Organized

A system will help you stay on top of things and be more efficient. A project management tool can help keep track of deadlines and assigned tasks. Investing in a good planner can also be helpful. This will ensure you don’t miss anything important. 

A good filing system will allow you to stay organized if you have a lot of papers and files. You can find what you need quickly without wasting time searching through piles of paper. 

Clean up your small business space and eliminate anything you don’t need. A cluttered space can be distracting and make it difficult to focus on work.

4. Automate Tasks

Repetitive tasks can be time-consuming and tedious. If there are tasks that you do on a daily or weekly basis, see if there’s a way to automate them. If you’re sending out invoices, use a program to automatically generate and send invoices for you. Many software programs can automate simple tasks like sending emails or scheduling social media posts. 

When looking for ways to automate, think about the tasks that you find yourself doing over and over again. A cloud workflow can be helpful for automating tasks and keeping your team organized. In addition to this, there are other simple ways you can automate tasks in the workplace. 

For example, if you frequently send out the same email response to clients, save that email as a template. That way, all you have to do is insert the client’s name and hit send. This will save you a few minutes each time you need to send that email. 

Create a shortcut on your desktop if you’re constantly opening the same files or programs. That way, you can quickly access those files without searching for them each time. There are many ways to automate tasks, so take some time to explore your options and find what works best for you.

5. Set Hard Deadlines and Stick to Them

When you have a specific date in mind, you’re more likely to focus and get the task done. If you work better under pressure, give yourself shorter deadlines. This will help you stay on track and avoid procrastination. 

If you have a project that will take longer than a day to complete, break it down into smaller tasks. Set deadlines for each task and complete them by the end of the day. This will help you stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the project as a whole. 

If clients expect a project to be completed by a certain date, ensure you meet that deadline. If you can’t, communicate with the client and let them know as soon as possible. Operating on a tight schedule can be stressful, but it will help you get things done.

6. Delegate Tasks

There’s no need for you to do everything yourself. If you have employees, delegate tasks to them. If you’re a one-person operation, see if there are any tasks you can outsource to a virtual assistant or freelancer. Lots of time spent on social media may indicate a need for a social media manager

When delegating, give your employees or contractors specific instructions and deadlines. That way, they can complete the task efficiently, and you can check it off your list. 

Set up a system for tracking tasks. That way, you can see what’s been completed and what still needs to be done. 

Finding the right people to do the tasks is the secret to successful delegation. If you’re unsure who to delegate to, ask for recommendations. Once you find someone you trust, you’ll be able to delegate tasks confidently.

7. Take Breaks

You might think that taking breaks will make you less productive, but that’s not the case. Working non-stop will only make you more stressed and less likely to get things done. Go for a walk, step away from your desk, or chat with a colleague. If you take a break, even for five minutes, you’ll come back feeling refreshed and ready to work. 

During these breaks, try to avoid checking your email or social media. This will only distract you, and it’s not an actual break if you’re still working. 

If you have trouble taking breaks, set a timer for yourself. Once the timer goes off, take a five-minute break. 

Even if you don’t think you need a break, force yourself to take one. You’ll feel better after taking a few minutes to step away from your work. And once you resume working, you may notice an increase in your productivity.


Productivity doesn’t have to be a struggle. Using these time-saving tips, you can work smarter and get more done. 

Implement these tips, and your productivity will improve quickly. Find what works for you and stick with it. You’ll find the perfect productivity formula for your small business with a little trial and error.


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